


1/2 CupMilk
1/4 CupSugar
1/2 tsp.Salt
3 Tbsp.Shortening
1/2 CupLukewarm Water
1 Tbsp.Sugar
2 CakesYeast
1Egg, beaten
1 CupFlour


  1. Scald 1/2 Cup Milk.
  2. Add + Stir In 1/4 Cup Sugar, 1/2 Tsp. Salt, 3 Tbsp. Shortening.
  3. Cool to lukewarm
  4. Measure into bowl: 1/2 Cup Lukewarm Water, 1 Tbsp. Sugar.
  5. Crumble + Stir In - 2 Cakes Yeast.
  6. Add Lukewarm Milk Mixture.
  7. Add & Stir In: 1 Egg, Beaten - 1 Cup Sifted Flour.
  8. Beat Until Smooth. Add & Stir In.
  9. Turn out dough quickly on a lightly floured board.
  10. Knead lightly until smooth and elastic.
  11. Set in a warm place free from draft.
  12. Let rise till double in bulk - about 1/2 hour.
  13. Make Brown Sugar Syrup
  14. Divide Syrup evenly among 24 muffin pans.
  15. Place 3 pecan halves in each muffin pan.
  16. When dough is light punch down & divide into 2 equal portions.
  17. Roll each portion into an oblong 8 inch thick & 12 inches long. Brush each.
  18. Sprinkle each with 6 Tbsp. Brown Sugar and 6 Tbsp. Chopped Pecans
  19. Roll up Lengthwise as for Cut in 1-inch slices.
  20. Place cut up in prepared muffin pans. Cover.
  21. Set in warm place, free from draft. Let rise until double in bulk- about 25 min.
  22. Bake in moderate oven 400F about 30 min. Turn out of pans immediately & serve hot.