


1 ½ CupsSugar
½ CupWater
⅛ TspCream of Tartar
2 TspVanilla
6Whole Eggs
4Egg Yolks
4 CupsMilk (Hot)


  1. Combine 1 cup of Sugar and Water in a wide saucepan or 2 qt metal mold and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  2. Shake the pan or stir occasionally until Sugar is dissolved.
  3. Add Cream of Tartar and continue to boil until the syrup turns golden brown.
  4. Tilt the mold to coat the inside thoroughly with caramel syrup, or pour into a 2 qt porcelain mold which has been warmed by sitting in a pan of hot water.
  5. Set prepared mold aside.
  6. Combine Whole Eggs, Egg Yolks, and the remaining ½ cup Sugar and beat well.
  7. Add hot Milk in a thin stream and stir to mix well.
  8. Stir in Vanilla.
  9. Strain custard through a sieve into the caramel-coated mold.
  10. Set the mold into a pan of hot water and bake at 325°F for 1 hour.
  11. The flan is done when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.