
Alma Raider


3 CupsSifted Flour
1 TspBaking Powder
½ TspSalt
1 CupButter or Margarine
¾ CupSugar
1Unbeaten Egg
2 TbspMilk
1 ½ TspVanilla


  1. Sift together Flour, Baking Powder, and Salt.
  2. Cream together Butter or Margarine and Sugar.
  3. Add the Unbeaten Egg to the creamed mixture, and keep creaming.
  4. Add Milk and Vanilla to the mixture.
  5. Beat well.
  6. Blend in the dry ingredients.
  7. Chill for 1 hour (likely for one hour).
  8. Roll out to ⅛” thickness.
  9. Cut into shapes.
  10. Bake at 400°F for 5-8 minutes.