


1 lbDry Whole Kernel Corn
1 TbspLime (Calcium Hydroxide, for nixtamalization)


  1. Put to soak overnight one pound of dry whole-kernel corn which has been well washed.
  2. In the morning, put in a deep kettle & cover with water to which has been added 1 Tbsp of lime.
  3. Put over a slow fire & let simmer until the husks of the corn rub off between the fingers.
  4. Put the corn into cold water & wash well.
  5. Take out & put through a meat grinder.
  6. Grind over & over until corn comes out like a thick paste.
  7. Put the corn dough into a pan & knead well.
  8. Now pinch off a piece of dough as large as a lime & pat it in the palm of the hand until it is as thin as a piece of paper.
  9. Bake on top of stove on a cookie pan by cooking on one side & then on the other.